
Feeding America Riverside | San Bernardino and FIND Food Bank recently received a $25,000 donation from Bank of America

This year, food banks note that rising food prices and supply chain issues are creating an additional burden for families – and food banks they rely on – this holiday season. The most recent funds from Bank of America will enable these organizations provide up to 160,000 additional meals for local people in need.

The donation is the result of a unique campaign BofA created encouraging its own local bank employees to get a new coronavirus booster or flu shot this season, with money going to local hunger relief organizations for every shot an employee gets. Nationwide, BofA employees generated $8 million to food banks this Fall. It’s the second employee booster campaign the bank has done, and together, both efforts have generated nearly $20 million in additional funding to local food banks nationwide while helping to mitigate rising flu and covid cases amongst its employees.

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