Nonprofit News

Give To Children In Foster Care

This holiday season we must come together as a community to let these precious children know they are never alone. Help us meet the urgent needs of our children in foster care.

Why give to Voices for Children?

Children enter foster care because they have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. While the foster care system comprises many dedicated and caring professionals, it is also overburdened. The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) model provides unparalleled support to children in foster care. This highly efficient model empowers trained volunteers to investigate the needs of children and help judges make the most informed decisions for children’s futures. Over time, a CASA often becomes the most consistent adult in a child’s life.

You can help provide children with safety and stability. By donating to Voices for Children, you will help us recruit, train, and support volunteers who advocate for the best interest of children and ensure their needs are being met.

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