Nonprofit News

CV Rescue Mission Hosts Annual Toy Giveaway December 19;  New Unwrapped Toys Accepted

The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission will distribute about 15,000 toys to an estimated 5,000 children at 7 a.m. on Thursday, December 19 during the Annual Toy Giveaway.

To make the Annual Toy Giveaway a success, CVRM requests donations of new unwrapped toys for boys and girls from infant to teen. Dolls, books, games, skateboards, sports equipment and balls, action figures, Legos, cars, trucks, and Barbies are some of the favorites and age-appropriate gifts for teens.

“Many of our donors and supporters organize a Toy Drive at their office, church, neighborhood, or country club. Everyone who can give even a single toy will put a smile on a child’s face,” said Executive Director Darla Burkett. “It will brighten your own Christmas as you spread kindness and joy this holiday season.’’

Toy donations can be brought directly to CVRM at 47470 Van Buren Street, Indio.

To volunteer for this event or future events, donate a toy, or organize a drop box for a company, organization or club, please call Kristen Crawford at 760.347.3512 ext. 246.

“Our desert community is so very generous and loving as they support those in need. We are excited to partner with our community in making Christmas dreams come true for these children,” Burkett  said.

The event begins with Santa and Mrs. Claus greeting children, while Santa’s elves hand out stuffed animals to everyone. Children must be present to receive toys.

Founded in 1971, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission provides food, clothing, and safe shelter to needy people.  Additionally, CVRM helps people end their cycle of homelessness with extensive counseling, job training, and job placement services. Please visit us at

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