Nonprofit News

Help us promote tolerance, civility, respect and understanding through our programming. Tolerance Education Center

The mission of the Tolerance Education Center is to promote tolerance, civility, respect and understanding by the elimination of atrocities, hatred and bigotry. Programs, activities and exhibits provide an educational opportunity for students and the community at large to learn to reduce prejudice, teach critical thinking, and empower those who visit to take a more active role in creating a more humane society. The hope is that visitors will leave with a mind-set that rejects prejudice and hate, questions stereotypes, and promotes diversity.

The Tolerance Education Center was founded by Holocaust survivor Earl Greif in 2006, and opened its doors to the public in 2009. Adults enjoy our lectures,films, presentations and other tolerance-themed programs. Children are brought to the TEC on field trips to hear first-hand accounts of bigotry and hatred told by those who have survived including survivors of the Holocaust, Cambodian genocide, Japanese internment camps or victims of hate crimes against the LGBT community.

Help us promote tolerance, civility, respect and understanding through our programming. Learn more today!

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