Nonprofit News

Thinking about adding a pet to the household? If so, “Adopt, Don’t Shop”!! Bianca Rae Foundation

The Bianca Rae Foundation strives to give a voice to the voiceless. The foundation is divided into two verticals: a concentration on providing guidance and leadership to Southern California youth and a focus on providing resources for homeless animals.

Animal Initiative
Saving the life of a shelter animal is truly rewarding and life-saving. Through regular adoption events in the Coachella Valley, Bianca Rae Foundation has helped over 1,000 animals find a forever home since its inception. The extremely sad reality is that Riverside County, on average, euthanizes over 400 innocent animals per month who were completely healthy but simply couldn’t be placed in a forever home.

Our goals include increasing our yearly public adoption events, creating community awareness, and offering incentives to individuals who foster shelter animals until a permanent home is available. The foundation provides all necessary items, including food, toys, and any needed medication. We also continue to, with No Kill Coachella Valley, transport local homeless dogs and cats to the Oregon Humane Society where they are adopted quickly.

Thinking about adding a pet to the household? If so, “Adopt, Don’t Shop”!!

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